Asian Journal of KM
AJKM Vol.6 No.1 2019
Asian Journal of KM
Asian Journal of KM
Knowledge 4C
This book looks into the use and applications of Knowledge Management
Process (KM Process). The concept was first introduced in my book (2013) by
incorporating four perspectives of knowledge management processes, referred
to the “Knowledge 4C”. The new process includes Knowledge Creation,
Knowledge Conversion, Knowledge Communication and Knowledge Change.
“Knowledge 4C”, by incorporating four knowledge management processes is
suitable in managing knowledge and skills, such as talent management,
customer management, financial management and innovation management.
This book provides an integrated view of KM input, KM process referred to
Knowledge 4C, and KM outcome or organizational performance.
Strategic KM
This book looks into the use and application of Knowledge Management
Process (KM Process) in the creative and innovative organizations in the
context of Malaysian enterprises. The premise of this book is about KM
Process. KM Process can be defined as a continuous process of managing and
applying knowledge and skills in the right place at the right time. It is an
integrated part of KM enablers, KM Process, through organizational
creativity and innovation that results in the organizations to become more
competitive and thus improve their organizational performance.