- How to foster creativity and design thinking in the initial idea generation phase
- How organizations can utilize idea management tools to select the most feasible ideas for development, including how to manage and commercialize those ideas as intellectual property;
- How an evidence-based approach to innovation management can be utilized to improve the decision-making process; and
- How to build innovation into the strategy, capabilities and culture of an organization
By participating in the course, you will be able to:
- Design and implement an innovation strategy in your organization that delivers results
- Identify and select the most promising ideas to fund
- Select and manage your innovation team
- Address cultural resistance in making a company more innovative
- Start the path to creating a new pipeline of innovative products and services to grow your company
- What is Innovation
- Business Model Analysis & Design
- Customer Experience Design
- Design Thinking: From Insights to Viability
- Designing Organisations for Creativity & Innovation
- Getting (more of) What You Want
- The Innovation Playbook
- Leading Effective Teams
- Mobilising for Effective Change”